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Home 9 Projects 9 Piltown House

Piltown House


Topographical & Underground Utility Survey

Survey Methodology & Project Delivery

Integrated Robotic Total Station, GNSS, EML & GPR Methods.

Projects Piltown House
Topographical Land Surveys

Topographical & Underground Utility Survey

  • Topographical / Land Survey
  • Underground Utility Survey

Sector: Residential Property

About This Project

SurveyWorx were commissioned to manage & deliver the Survey Specification, working in collaboration with the Architectural & Design Teams who would lead the redevelopment across the Project.

Piltown House would be redeveloped to include additional Housing to the area feeding into a wider regeneration masterplan. The Project would provide new public spaces for residents & the local community, linked by an enhanced public realm creating an inviting pedestrian journey.

Survey Methodology & Project Delivery

Using a combination of the latest integrated Robotic Total Stations, GNSS, EML & GPR Methods & “Robust Survey Methods” to capture & verify accurate Survey Data, the Survey Specification was delivered both efficiently & cost effectively within the allocated timescales.

Survey Control Network

Primary Survey Control was established using Total Station & GNSS with a Closed Loop Traverse completed. PK/Mag Survey Nails with Survey Markers were drilled/fixed into hard standing surfaces with Station Description Sheets completed. Field Observations were Post-Processed through SCC Survey Software to calculate Least Squares Adjustment & Analysis (Residuals, Standard Errors, Error Ellipses) to produce final Control Network Coordinates.

Data Acquisition/Capture

Topographical Survey Data was acquired/captured using a combination of Robotic Total Station (hard standing features) & GNSS (soft standing features) where possible.

Underground Services Data was acquired/captured using a combination of the latest integrated EML & GPR Methods & “Robust Survey Methods” to capture & verify accurate Survey Data.

All Underground Utilities were physically Marked/Sprayed on the ground, with this information transferred onto a Topographical Survey & delivered as a final Drawing in AutoCAD format.

A Desktop Search of the Statutory Record Drawings for the area was completed. This included all Utility Companies’ owned infrastructure within the Site area presented in a pack.

Data Post-Processing

Raw Survey Data/Observations were downloaded & Post-Processed through Survey Software. Data was captured & coded using a specific Project Code List written within SCC. This ensured all features were assigned a specific Code when Surveyed & imported to a defined Layering System within SCC, allowing our AutoCAD Department to efficiently edit data within the software & export to AutoCAD.

Coordinate Reference System

Survey Data related to the OS Network OSGB36(15).

Delivery & Output

The final Drawing Package included; Topographical Survey & PAS128 Underground Utility Survey. All Drawings were passed through Quality Assurance prior to final delivery.

All work will be produced in accordance with the RICS Specification: Measured Surveys of Land, Buildings & Utilities – 3rd Edition.


GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
RTK = Real Time Kinematic.
GPS = Global Positioning System.
OSGB36 = Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference System.
ETRS89 = European Terrestrial Reference System.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System (GPS/GNSS).

Sample Delivery/Output

Projects Piltown House