Topographical & Boundary Survey
- Topographical / Land Survey
- Boundary Survey & Legal Mapping
Sector: Residential Property
About This Project
SurveyWorx were commissioned to manage & deliver the Survey Specification, working in collaboration with the Client & Legal Team across the Project.
The property at Town Street comprised a single storey property located on approximately 0.1 Hectare.
Survey Methodology & Project Delivery
Using a combination of Robotic Total Station & GNSS to capture & verify accurate Survey Data, the Survey Specification was delivered both efficiently & cost effectively within the allocated timescales.
Survey Control Network Post-Processing
Primary Survey Control was established using Total Station (1”) & GNSS with PK/Mag Survey Nails & Survey Markers drilled/fixed into hard standing surfaces & Station Description Sheets completed. Field Observations/Readings were Post-Processed through SCC Survey Software to produce final Control Network Coordinates.
Survey Methods & Data Acquisition/Capture
Data was acquired/captured using a combination of Robotic Total Station & GNSS to Survey Topographical features relating to the Property Boundary.
Delivery & Output
The Topographical Survey was overlaid on OS MasterMap Digital Data to produce Land Registry Compliant Plans of the Boundary/Property. The final Drawings/Report would accurately determine & map the Physical Boundaries of the Plot referenced to the associated Land Registry Title Plans.
Coordinate Reference System
Delivery & Output
GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
RTK = Real Time Kinematic.
GPS = Global Positioning System.
OSGB36 = Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference System.
ETRS89 = European Terrestrial Reference System.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System (GPS/GNSS).
Sample Delivery/Output
