+44 (0) 7450 292 605 • Office: 01392 344909 info@surveyworxltd.co.uk

Geospatial Surveying

SurveyWorx CLOUD

Geospatial Surveying Consultancy

Topographical Land Surveys

Topographical Surveys

Measured Building Surveys (MBS)

Measured Building Surveys (MBS)

Underground detection

Underground Detection Services

Boundary Survey

Boundary Survey / Legal Mapping

IPMS Area Verification

IPMS Area Verification

Aerial / UAV Surveys

Drone / UAV Surveys

Aerial / UAV Surveys

Right of Light (ROL) Surveys

TopoDOT Data Extraction

Geospatial Data Extraction

Geospatial Engineering


Geospatial Engineering Consultancy

TopoCloud Data Management

High-Rise Vertical Control

Monitoring Solutions

Site Engineering & Setting Out

Volume Analysis

Volumetric Surveys

As-Built Surveys

Construction Verification As-Built Surveys

HD Scan to BIM / MODEL

SurveyWorx CLOUD

Geospatial Surveying Consultancy

Monitoring Solutions

SMART Digital Twins

Environmental Monitoring

SMART Digital Construction

Structural Monitoring

Fire Plan As-Built Drawings


SurveyWorx CLOUD

Monitoring Consultancy

Structural Monitoring

Structural Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring

SurveyWorx INSPECT

SurveyWorx CLOUD

SMART Inspection Consultancy

Environmental Monitoring

SMART Digital Twins

SurveyWorx CAPTURE

SMART Inspection Imagery

SurveyWorx SMART 360

Specialist Inspection 360°

SurveyWorx CAPTURE

SurveyWorx CLOUD

SurveyWorx ASSETS

SurveyWorx SMART 360

SMART 360° Tours & VR

Environmental Monitoring

SMART Digital Twins


SurveyWorx CLOUD

Geospatial Surveying Consultancy


Geospatial Engineering Consultancy

SurveyWorx CLOUD

Monitoring Consultancy

SurveyWorx SMART 360°

SurveyWorx SMART 360

SMART 360° Tours & VR

SurveyWorx CAPTURE

SMART Inspection Imagery

Environmental Monitoring

SMART Digital Twins

Get in touch today to discuss your Project & let us deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to all your Surveying, Engineering & Monitoring requirements.

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