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Home 9 Projects 9 The Imperial Building

The Imperial Building

The Imperial Building, Russell Square, London

Scan to BIM/Model (HD 3D Laser Scanning & Revit Modelling)

Survey Methodology & Project Delivery

Integrated Robotic Total Station, GNSS, HD 3D Laser Scanning & Revit Modelling LOD300.

As-Built Surveys

Scan to BIM/Model

Scan to Model, Scan to PLAN & Scan to MESH

  • Floor Layout Plans
  • Architectural, Structural & M&E (Ceiling Void Detail)
  • Revit Model LOD300
  • Floor Layout Plans, Elevations & Sections

Sector: Commercial Property

About This Project

SurveyWorx were commissioned to manage & deliver the Survey Specification, working in collaboration with the Architectural & Structural Design Teams who would lead the redevelopment across the Project.

The Imperial Building is an Office Building comprising 11 Floors/Levels (Lower Ground to Level 09) located in Russell Square, London. The Survey Specification would require a full HD 3D Laser Scan of the Building to include both Structural & Non Structural Detail along with “Specialist Ceiling Void” 3D Laser Scanning to identify & Model the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Services within the Suspended Ceiling Void. The property would be redeveloped & refurbished to include a full redesign of the interior spaces to deliver modern Office & Retail Space.

Survey Methodology & Project Delivery

Using a combination of the latest integrated Robotic Total Stations, GNSS, HD 3D Laser Scanning Technology & “Robust Survey Methods” to capture & verify accurate Survey Data, the full Survey Specification was delivered both efficiently & cost effectively within the allocated timescales.

Establish Control Network Framework

Primary Survey Control was established around the perimeter using Total Station (1”), GNSS & Precise Levelling. PK/Mag Survey Nails with Survey Markers were drilled/fixed into hard standing surfaces with Station Description Sheets completed to aid with follow-on Construction/Engineering Works. Secondary Control was transferred by Total Station from Primary Control Stations through the Building/Reception areas through door/window openings & closed on Primary Control Stations with additional Verification/Checks completed on to Primary Stations where visible. Black & White Laser Scanning Targets (Checkerboard Targets) were positioned at key locations throughout the Building & observed as Tertiary Control to reference Laser Scanning Works.

Survey Control Network Post-Processing

Field Observations were Post-Processed through MicroSurvey’s STAR*NET Software to calculate Least Squares Adjustment & Analysis (Residuals, Standard Errors, Error Ellipses) to produce final Control Network Coordinates.

Data Acquisition/Capture

Data was acquired/captured using a combination of HD 3D Laser Scanning Technology, Robotic Total Stations & Hand-Held Tablets. HD 3D Scan Data was captured with significant overlaps between individual Scans to ensure high quality referenced data was acquired.

“Specialist Ceiling Void” 3D Laser Scanning

“Specialist Ceiling Void” 3D Laser Scanning was completed using our Telescopic Tripod (Extends to 5m) allowing us to identify & Model the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Services within the Suspended Ceiling Void.

Scan Data Post-Processing

Over 1200 Scans were recorded & Post-Processed to produce a fully Registered/Coordinated Point Cloud, using Leica Cyclone Software. Point Cloud Data was referenced to Site Control Network using Tertiary Control Coordinates observed from Secondary Control within the Building. Post-Processing/Registration was completed using a combination of Target-Based Registration & Cloud-to-Cloud Registration.

Quality Assurance (QA/QC)

Quality Assurance procedures were completed with a Point Cloud Registration Report exported to highlight registration accuracy. Registration was a success with an average error of +/-2mm between individual Point Clouds.

The Point Cloud was Verified/Checked by taking sample Cross Sections/Slices through the Data in order to check for any discrepancies between individual Point Cloud alignments. Point Cloud Data from the Internals was also Verified/Checked against the External Data to confirm successful Registration.

Coordinate Reference System

Survey Data related to the OS Network OSGB36(15).

Delivery & Output

The final Package included; Revit Model Architectural & Structural LOD300, Floor Layout Plans, Elevations & Sections delivered in AutoCAD 2D.

Scan to Model, Scan to PLAN & Scan to MESH

All work will be produced in accordance with the RICS Specification: Measured Surveys of Land, Buildings & Utilities – 3rd Edition.


GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
RTK = Real Time Kinematic.
GPS = Global Positioning System.
OSGB36 = Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference System.
ETRS89 = European Terrestrial Reference System.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System (GPS/GNSS).
ITM = Irish Transverse Mercator.

Sample Delivery/Output
