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Home 9 Services 9 Aerial / UAV Survey

Aerial / UAV Survey

At SurveyWorx, delivering accurate & reliable Geospatial Data is the foundation of what we do.

Guildford Landfill

Measure, Map, Model

Detailed Aerial / UAV Mapping & Inspection Surveys efficiently capture Survey Data across Construction & Development Sites.

At SurveyWorx we deliver Aerial / UAV Mapping & Inspection Surveys across both small & large-scale Private Development Schemes, Urban Regeneration Schemes, National Road Projects & major Construction & Engineering Works.

  • Photogrammetry Models
  • Digital Surface & Terrain Models
  • Registered Point Clouds
  • Orthophotography
  • Aerial Inspection Surveys

Aerial / UAV Surveys are related to the Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference System (OSGB36) & Ordnance Datum (AOD).

Survey Data can be delivered in a variety of industry standard 2D & 3D formats, including 3D Models with 3D Point Cloud Data available to access remotely through our “Shared” Point Cloud Platform providing instant access & rapid dimensional interrogation.

Guildford Landfill
Aerial / UAV Surveys

Aerial / UAV Surveys

Aerial / UAV Mapping deliverables/outputs aid in the Planning & Design process for Architectural & Construction/Engineering purposes.

Our Team of experienced Geospatial Surveyors integrated with the latest technology & proven processes allow us to deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your Aerial / UAV Survey requirements.

We capture, verify & manage the Survey Data generated to provide high-quality deliverables, maximising the benefits of this technology for our Clients. We employ integrated GNSS, LiDAR & UAV Technology to efficiently capture Geospatial Data across Construction & Development Sites.

Aerial / UAV Mapping Services offer a rapid, safe & more cost-effective method of Data Capture in comparison to traditional ground-based methods.

Get in touch today to discuss your Project & let us deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your Aerial / UAV Surveys Survey requirements.

Aerial Inspection Surveys

We offer Visual Inspection of Assets using Aerial Inspection Surveys which can avoid the need for costly Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWP) or Scaffolding.

Building Inspection Surveys

Drone / UAV Technology offers a safe & efficient solution to inspect Buildings/Structures that may be considered as inaccessible using traditionally manned inspection techniques.

Bridge Inspection Surveys

Our Aerial / UAV Surveys Inspection Team can quickly investigate Bridges, Structures & Viaducts that may not be easily accessible without the use of scaffolding or specialist rope access.
Cell Tower
Aerial / UAV Surveys

Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetry

Aerial LiDAR

Aerial LiDAR can be used in Surveying, Engineering, Environmental & Infrastructure Projects. Data Capture is completed using Aerial LiDAR Methods.

Data can be used to understand ground levels & terrain even if the area is covered by dense vegetation varying from grass/brambles through to mature trees & shrubs. Aerial LiDAR can be used for Coastal Engineering, Flood Mapping, Hydrology, Landslide Monitoring, Erosion & Deformation Monitoring & Volumetric Analysis/Calculations.

Aerial LiDAR can be deployed for Mapping long corridors for Motorways, Railways, Powerlines, Pipelines & other major Infrastructure Projects.

Point Cloud Survey Data can be delivered in a variety of industry standard 2D & 3D formats, including Digital Terrain Models (DTM) & Digital Surface Models (DSM).


Data Capture is completed using Photogrammetry Methods based on the top of structures, objects & vegetation.

Delivery & Output

  • Point Cloud (Georeferenced) .las or .e57 format
  • Digital Surface Model (DSM) Geotiff, .las, .xyz
  • 3D Mesh .dxf format
  • Orthomosaic with Ground Sampling Distance of <2.5cm/px
  • Contour Map
  • Google KMZ
Get in touch today to discuss your Project & let us deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your Aerial / UAV Surveys Survey requirements.

Case Study


Guildford Landfill

Guildford Landfill

Accurate & Reliable Geospatial Data

Topographical Land Surveys

Topographical / Land Surveys

Topographical Surveys accurately map & define both natural & man-made features, & determine ground relief across Construction & Development Sites.