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As-Built Surveys

At SurveyWorx, delivering accurate & reliable Geospatial Data is the foundation of what we do.

Charter Place Square

Measure, Verify, Construct

Detailed As-Built Survey Services include the provision of independent, documented, certification & verification of positional accuracy across Projects.

At SurveyWorx we deliver Construction Verification As-Built Surveys across both small & large-scale Construction Projects.

  • Columns, Walls, Slab & Soffit Levels.
  • RC Frame & Structural Steel.
  • Verticality & Lift Shaft Detail.
  • Base Plate & Holding Down Bolts.
  • Independent Documented Reporting.

Survey Data can be delivered in a variety of industry standard 2D & 3D formats, including 3D Point Cloud Data accessed remotely through our “Shared” Point Cloud Platform providing instant access & rapid dimensional interrogation.

Chase Farm
As-Built Surveys

As-Built Surveys

Construction Verification As-Built Surveys

We produce highly detailed As-Built Surveys to accurately determine & verify that the Actual/Constructed or “True Position” meets the Design Specification.

Our Team of experienced Geospatial Engineering Surveyors integrated with the latest technology & proven processes allow us to deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your As-Built Survey requirements.

SurveyWorx collate, review & manage Construction & Engineering Drawings/Information & Check/Verify this against As-Built Constructed elements to detect, analyse & determine the source of any discrepancies.

Our Clients can be assured they have the guidance/support, coupled with accurate & reliable Geospatial Data delivered at critical stages of their Projects, ensuring complex designs can be delivered with confidence.

Get in touch today to discuss your Project & let us deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your Aerial / UAV Surveys Survey requirements.

Survey Methodology & Delivery

HD Laser Scanning Technology, Robotic Total Stations, & Hand-Held Tablets are deployed to efficiently capture highly accurate & reliable data, ensuring SurveyWorx can provide a solution to all your Construction Verification Survey requirements.

Survey Data can be delivered in a variety of industry standard 2D & 3D formats, including 3D Point Cloud Data. 3D Point Cloud Data can be accessed remotely through our “Shared” Point Cloud Platform providing instant access & rapid dimensional interrogation.

Survey Data is Post-Processed in-house through the use of dedicated Survey Mapping Software & rigorous QA/QC procedures to ensure we deliver consistent & reliable results.

Our experience combined with our commitment to new technology & innovations ensures we can efficiently & cost effectively deliver your Project to the highest possible quality standards.

Charter Place Square
Get in touch today to discuss your Project & let us deliver an efficient & cost-effective solution to your Construction Verification requirements.

Case Study


Charter Place Square

Charter Place Square

Accurate & Reliable Geospatial Data

Site Control & Setting Out

Site Control & Setting Out

We deliver comprehensive Engineering Support, Setting Out & Technical Guidance / Support designed to meet your specific Construction/Engineering requirements.